Forging ahead with fictional endeavours: ~ Write a life on a page and hurry not to its grave; abhor not the coming age, for eternal is the next page. ~ Read what you will, I hope you will enjoy reading as much as I do writing.


Flash fiction quicky.  This weeks Picture it and Write challenge, courtesy of ermilia.  Had a little trouble with this one.  Pounding headache may be the cause…

The crown shimmered in the phosphorescent glow of the cavern walls. Interplaying shadows created a eerie halo around the ancient artefact. The dais on which it rested bore the ancient inscriptions of civilisation long lost to tragedy. If the sleet soaked traveller who had wandered into the cavern seeking shelter from the monsoon could read the pictographic lettering he would have fled right there. The crown was soaked in myth and bore a terrible prophecy but of this he was blissfully unaware, drawn in by how pretty the iridescent stones appeared in the dim lighting. The traveller merely saw a trifling curiosity and picked the crown up with an expression of pleased surprise. The new uncle beamed. It would a good toy for his niece.

Comments on: "The crown in the cavern: Picture it and Write." (4)

  1. This is what happens when you don’t read the instructions! Good piece.

    • They were not a forward thinking civilization at all. They could at least slap a child suitability label on it. I mean what were they thinking!

  2. I want to know what happens!!!

    • Maybe the child is possessed by a demon and takes over the world by the age of three.

      Or maybe he dies before he even finishes his journey

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