Forging ahead with fictional endeavours: ~ Write a life on a page and hurry not to its grave; abhor not the coming age, for eternal is the next page. ~ Read what you will, I hope you will enjoy reading as much as I do writing.


Now imagine I’d said the title in Disney Villian voice. Ursala, for preference; she always was my favourite.  WHY? Because it’s almost as fun as swearing and I’ve yet to set off a profanity filter doing it. More importantly, I feel it’s accurate.

Why curses?

Because today I was betrayed by the recliner!

That’s right, my chair!


I made the mistake of trying to recline in it; forgetting once again that the tortured mechanisms now Fight to close back up. So I’m stuck there forcing all my strength into pushing it closed, hoping my brain doesn’t misfire, like it likes too when least convenient. The bloody thing snaps closed finally freeing me to stand up safely.

Drama over, I then retrieve my tablet, only to discover that in my forceful rocking of the chair I’d dislodged the magnetic charger, sending it straight into dangerzone, land of tired metal. I was so relieved when it came back with a gentle tug. We’ve had to fight cords out before, so it felt like a small victory.

I celebrated… too… soon…

Damn thing looked like my rats had found it; a neat slice through the casing then nicely frayed metal cords.

The biggest joke? I’d never even taken that charger into my room as I didn’t trust my rats. What would life be without irony?

Author’s note: so strictly speaking this is an auto-biographical blog post. I originally intended to write some flash fiction. As can be seen I got a little derailed…

I have been planning to get back to writing. I’ve started uni again and I’ve had success in the past using one to encourage the other; of course that was pre-craniotomy and may just spell a recipe for fatigue, I still think it’s worth a try.

Price of Pandemic

Paranoia runs rampant.

Anger festers.

No closer, Damn It.

Desperation clings.

Every sneeze a sign.

Maddening group hysteria.


Calmest of minds.



Author’s Note: So.. I’m ready for the Coovid 19  to be over…. So ready.

I miss writing. I’d like to say I’m back. Let’s face it; on blog upkeep I’ve been terrible for years. First there was focusing on my master’s when I was fatiged and having seizures reguarly. Then radiotherapy to kill my passenger, Timmy. (Yes, I named it; a morbid comminality with brain cancer patients.) Then chemo to hopefully finish it off. Mix in about a year of slow drug changes to control seizures during and after these, with the aim to wean off one and onto another for health reasons. This sums up to less then ideal circumstances for brain work.

Still, I’m going to try.

The Goose and The fire.

That sounds like the title of a grim fearie tale; a warning to all geese about the danger of arson. And perhaps I would have written such a tale if I didn’t feel like my own goose was cooked these days. A morbid description, yes, but accurate. A delicious appearing roast fowl waiting for the next stage of its life cycle as a potentially tasty and certainly dry protein source to be chewwed on and spat out because someone found the cleverly hidden cancerous rot beneath the surface.

Disturbing description; at complete odds with this homey, warm picture of a families roast dinner. A picture maybe worth a thousand words but those are a unique narrative composed by the viewer coloured by their feelings and experiences.

What is your narrative?

I’m a lost girl now!

It’s been a loooong time since I posted.  Too close to a year for my comfort. I do have reasons, but they have become repetitive and are beginning to feel more like prison bars. And  I waant tooo break freee, free from these bars. I’m not satisfied, I don’t need these. I’ve got to break free.  ‘Kay, that’s enough butchering of Queen lyrics for now.  😀  I haven’t stopped writing. I’m just finding very difficult to focus between uni, seizures, pain and side-effects of meds.  I look back at Susan McCloud and feel a mixture of happiness that it worked out so well and slight annoyance that I struggle to write in bulk.  Even 10 months later she still feels like a dynamic character whom I’d love to continue writing.

Here’s an early version of an as yet untitled fic I’m working on with my sister utilizing Inklewriter.  Cerberus was a character she came up with, but it was my job to bring him to life on virtual paper.  I wanted to post the text here but that would require the creation of multiple pages to achieve the interactive effect.  Please ignore the bit at the end. I put text there as a place holder and my sister thought it would be funny to see how long it took me to notice she’s changed it.  And what kind of sister would I be if I didn’t respond back.  We are also describing our dog… A chihuahua mix.

Be still my heart.

I always thought the apocalypse would start with a bang. Brought on by some trigger-happy politician too long mired in a corrupt office to see the world as it could be.  The signs were all there; our historical decent into madness. The world wars, the horrors of the atom bomb; the desire for bigger, better weapons of mass destruction that hinted humankind had learn nothing. Then there’s recent war against ‘terror’ that seemed to fight terror with terror… But my point evades me. Let’s just say, if the planet turned to a thermonuclear wasteland over night I would not be the least bit surprised.  Instead we have… drum roll please… Zombies. Rambling hordes of the undead with an insatiable desire for flesh. A geeks paradise. And my, Susan McCloud, that’s me, personal hell.

So, there we have it, it’s hell on earth. And what am I doing at this very moment? Helping the panicked gits whom brought this doom upon us by being a lab-rat for the ‘cure’. Admirable, right? I wish. Truth is I’m because I have to be.  Found a lump on my breast half a year back, and well you can guess from there.  By the time I had started chemo it was already wrecking my organs. So what’s a girl to do when she’s dying and desperate? Sign up for medical experimentation, apparently.  Ended up on the ‘Fountain’ project with the aforementioned gits too busy playing god to recognise potential disaster staring them in the face.  How were they playing god? Haha… The fountain As in the Fountain of Youth. I know, right? Trying to cure death… Experiments which my wrecked body was perfect for. If it worked, it showed the value of such a product, and if it failed… Well, I wouldn’t be a liability for very long.

Of course, it all went horribly wrong.  There was an accident with one of the early serums.  It had been injected into a chimpanzee, Z, whom promptly became a rabid terror. Didn’t die though, oddly enough.  Something in the small margin of DNA difference protected the shit-flinging bastard from the biggest side effect of the scrapped drug.  Then Some radical animal rights activist, with delusions of grandeur, broke in with the intent of sabotaging the project in a publicly humiliating fashion by releasing all test subjects into the streets. Insert some Z face-munching and a impromptu escape into the night and you have the idea.  Authorities had Z and the others test subjects rounded up by the following day; but by that point the damage was done.  The real panic started when the activist’s shambling corpse was found in an abandoned warehouse downtown. It hit the news like a flash bang and then the arse-covering began… as did the human trials for a cure.  Bringing us full circle to me, egomaniac extraordinaire, the crash-test dummy.

I was not eager, to put it mildly.  There I was, hooked up to medical equipment getting the run down on procedures from the one man on the premises I could remotely stand by that point, (infecting the local population did nothing for my level of trust in their competency) trying not to ponder the irony of trading one horrible death for another.  Matt must have caught on to it too, because his final words were, “Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.” Said with that care-free smile too. Sweet, adorable, nerdy liar. We both knew he was mucking about in uncharted waters, but I swallowed my inner cynic.  Matt had been a great source of support during my time with the project; I would allow him some trust.  Putting on an air of false perkiness, I replied “How could I be worried when I’m in such capable hands,” then swung my legs in the sterile, medical bed. I proceeded to make myself comfortable, (because I was going to die comfy, god damn it), only to be startled by his warm hand on my shoulder.  My gaze met his, and I’d like to say it was electric but Matt’s smile was only there for professional necessity.  Those beautiful green eye spoke volumes of gratitude and… regret? Sorrow?  With my face straining under the first genuine smile I had managed since the C-word, I said, “I’m a tough cookie. Besides how could I have been go could I put anything but smile on such a handsome face.” Smooth, real smooth. Flirting on my death bed.  One thing about the shadow of death, it removes your inhibitions and at least I was flirting and not downing, snorting or injecting illicit substances; well medical ‘miracle’ serums excluded.  Of course, my ill-timed flirting failed.  It was in his eyes.  Whatever else he was feeling had only been reinforced by my words.  I swiftly placed my hand over his, filled with sudden determination to live in spite of everything.  Matt was always good at reading my posture, I noted a spark of hope in his expression as a response.  Then, because death waits for no one we were interrupted by one his colleagues via the intercom.  “If you’re just about done, perhaps we could be getting this procedure under way.”  I rolled my eyes at the reproach in the feminine voice. God, of all people to oversee this, they had to pick her. In better times I would have called her my rival but with the differences in out position she more like a callous boss whom is intent on quashing me like a bug.  Today she might well succeed.  Matt removed his hand to activate his mic.  “Hold your horses, Louise, must I remind on the particulars on human dignity that we must maintain?” Ah-ha, there’s another reason I liked him. Matt put the humane in human experimentation. Strict moral compass, god-complex aside. Louise’s response was venomous, “I’m fairly certain the codes of conduct outline the difference between humane treatment of subjects and unprofessional relationships.” I repressed a snicker, I knew the shrew was just jealous, but the slightly embarrassed look on Matt face was priceless. And interesting. And worrying. All at the same time. Had I had more of an affect with my mostly harmless flirting then I realised? If so, this was a bugger of a time to find out. The expression was gone before I could ponder it. “I’m starting now. Start quantine lockdown on this room. Set to my access code,” Matt stated in an eerily cold tone.  I’d never seen him look so… hard.  The intercom crackled, the pause ominous.  “… Are you certain? If something goes wrong only you will be able to get in or out.”  I froze, as the awareness of the danger Matt was putting himself in hit me.  Before I could protest Matt commanded, “Do it.  If something goes wrong follow quarantine procedures. I recommend the same for other subjects. This thing is too dangerous to allow to spread any further.”

“… Understood. I relay that to other personnel.  But… No… Never mind, I’ll be here to run any tests you need.” Matt swirled back towards me, face unrecognizable under to grim mask of professionalism. This was a side of him I never liked; that part of him that made him exactly like git-clones he worked with; but, hey, it takes bees to make honey.  I refused to let my resolve waiver as he prepared his syringes. Kill or cure. 50/50. At least that’s what I told myself.  Pro: might live. Con: spend after life brain-munching. Pro: saviour of the know world. Con: death, deathy, death, death. Trepidation’s a bitch, but hey I have nothing to loose; I’m dying anyway.  “Susan, are you ready?” Matt asked, depositing his payload on the steel table next to the bed and leaned in to meet my gaze.  I resisted the urge to jump up right there, it would dishonest to ignore the fear coiling in my belly. I tilted my head, smart-arse, knee-jerk reaction ready, “Sure, darlin’, just don’t mistake the poison for the placebo. I’d hate to get all melodramatic for no reason.” My smirk threatened to injure my cheek muscles.  Then I noticed how watery Matt’s eye appeared. Crap.  You idiot, Susan.  Matt, you bigger idiot, you should have passed my case too someone else if it affected you this much.  Instinctively my hand found it’s way to his cheek.  “Matt… are you sure you want to be here?” Matt gently removed my hand, aware as I was of the cameras, and gave it a quick squeeze before releasing it. I pulled it back almost defensively, though god knows who I was defending. Him? My own pride? I was never good with displaying emotion and as necessary as his actions were, the slight rejection hurt.  Not that I’d let that show. The smirk was back, bigger then ever.  Matt looked away, slouching ever so slightly. “… No one should go through this alone… And I…. … Let’s begin. We covered the drug earlier, but first things first I’m going to give you a sedative, okay?”

“Hmmmmm, a sedative, I think I can li… deal with that.” I replied as he lined up the syringe with the drip connection and pushed the plunger.  I felt his hand on mine, “Really… Matt you are too kind for this… line of… work…” There was the brief sensation of pressure on my lips. What a nice last thought….


Author Notes: Sooo one hand I’m really pleased with how this turned out given it started as a free writing exercise.  But I have too say: What the hell is this?!  It starts out as a zombie fic, easily explained by the time I spend on the zombie genre, but then… Romance?  What in the world brought that on?  Is it a compatible mix?

Rats and other things.


Rattus the cute fuzzy

Hi everyone!  I’ve had a hard time remembering to post recently.  I’m still working hard on my degree and I still help the local RSPCA.  Unfortunately, I’m no longer writing news articles.  The local advocate closed down as part of the cutbacks brought about by the industries going bust. I’m a little sad.  But i hope to keep writing here.  ^_^ I would like to keep volunteering for WIN but I’m now living to far away to be involved with the majority of their roles. -_-”  In other news I got a new pet.  See the cute little fuzzy?  He’s an adorable little piggy of a rat. He’s inquisitive, affectionate and a little to smart for his own good. He keeps trying to explore my room.  Problem is Lynee, our little hunter is just waiting for him to pounce.  I worry about how long he will last.


Lynee… Look at her expression. ..

Getting Involved

It’s been five minutes since I scheduled the last article. I’m still looking for the  others. LOL I hid them. -_-

Modern busy schedules often make it difficult get in touch with the local communities and remain actively social away from the workforce. With health issues related to sedentary lifestyles on the rise it is also becoming very important to participate in healthy activities, making sporty clubs or more social walking clubs attractive options. However, for those of us who are new to the Gladstone region finding a club that is both enjoyable and complimentary to our schedules can be both intimidating and time-consuming. To this end the dedicated team at WIN have invited all Social & sports clubs and organisations in the Gladstone region to a “Join a Club” Information session hosted at their office, 10 Tanks St, on the 18th of February. Club representatives will be available from 10am-12:30pm to provide details, including flyers and brochures, about their respective clubs. The information session presents the perfect opportunity to find a new activities, whether you are looking for something sporty or social. Win also offers a wide range of in-house social activities, such as the monthly Language café and Multicultural Playgroup. For more information, please contact WIN on 0487 422 142 or

I’ve been going through my old articles to schedule updates here, and found some were missing. 😦 Where did they go? Some of them are boring but they are still precious pieces of writing! Bet I’ve saved them somewhere odd.  Here’s another


With the summer holidays drawing to a close, and Christmas and New Year’s now fond memories, it’s Back-to-School time for learners, young and adult. However, finding affordable adult education the fits our hectic schedules becomes increasingly hard when local education has become geared towards industry basics such as hospitality and sciences. Yet a new term is on the horizon for WIN, with Language and basic computing classes set to kick off in the first week of February. WIN’s courses in English, French and Spanish run from 6pm week nights and basic to intermediate courses in computing running from 11am; providing accessible alternative areas of education. Affordability is also high on the not-for-profit organisation’s agenda, charging $240 for non-members and $200 for WIN members for their 8 week courses. WIN membership fees are only $25, leaving new members with immediate saving on course fees if they join before course registration, as well as array of other discounts on other services offered. Spanish classes, with Celeste, begins on 1st of Feb, French, with Marie, starts on the 2nd, English, with Nandini, commences on 4th, and Computing classes, with Deepa, start on the 5th. Whether it’s time to brush up on those language or commputing skills or learn a new language entirely there’s no better time to contact WIN on 0487 422 142, or via, or visit us for more information at

I hit a milestone with this post.  200 posts!  How in the hell did that happen?! Without me noticing until after? Haha I hope at least some of those post have kept you all entertained. 🙂   This is a scheduled up date, so hopefully I’ve actually updated with fiction before this goes live, so there’s a little variety on my creative writing blog.  Here’s another old article.



Friday the 11 of December marked a spike in WIN supervised Playgroup’s attendance as the multinational families of Gladstone came together for a Christmas party to celebrate the last session of 2015. Though the summer heat had driven the group out the scorching sun this did not put a damper on the festivities. Excitement was in the air as children hung their hand-made, glittery ornaments on a tinsel tree that was stationed under their hand-decorated, paper-chain streamers. With chocolate-scented play dough, Christmas themed finger paints, and a refreshingly cool water-play feature, there was plenty to see and do before digging to morning tea. In keeping with the Christmas theme, the children decorated delicious Reindeer cookies before digging into scrumptious tropical fruits as they gathered together for a Sing-along featuring Aussie Christmas Carols.

For some the popularity of Christmas may seem unexpected. Today an estimated 3rd of the worlds population is Christian or of Christian descent. Though most commonly celebrated by Christians as the birth of Christ, the celebration itself pre-dates Christianity and has been influenced over the years by festivals and celebrations such as Saturnalia, Yuletide, and Solistice. Dec 25 only became recognised as the birth of Christ in the 4th century, then known as the feast of nativity. As a result elements of the holiday can been seen in cultures world-wide. It’s modern popularity can be attributed too the commercialization of popular culture themes, of which St Nick, or Santa Clause, is a classic example of a figure who a gone global.